07 Run Macherey

  • Jan 08, 2021 EMSA gel loading solution (Thermo Fisher 20148K) was added to each sample and these were loaded onto a pre-run 6% polyacrylamide gel in 0.5× TBE (45 mM Tris, 45 mM boric acid, 1 mM EDTA). The gel was transferred to Hybond-N+ nylon membrane (GE Healthcare RPN303B) in 0.5× TBE for 30 min at 100 V.
  • The 8-kb PCR fragment was gel extracted using the NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-up kit (Macherey-Nagel) and eluted in P3 buffer (Lonza) for nucleofection. The pSAG1-Cas9-U6-sgUPRT plasmid, generously provided by the Sibley lab, was mutated to contain a guide RNA targeted to the Ku80 site. TGGT1265180 knockout and parental parasites were.
  • The components were mixed thoroughly before adding enzymes and DNA templates. In the final reaction mixture, a pH of 7.5 ± 0.5 was determined with pH-Fix 2.0 - 9.0 test strips (Macherey-Nagel). Unless indicated otherwise, reactions were run at 37°C for 1 hour in a water bath.
  1. 07 Run Macherey 3
  2. 07 Run Macherey Results
  3. 07 Run Macherey Iso

Safe and Reliable Vaccine Storage with Haier Ultra Low Temperature Freezers

14 Dec 2020

A vaccine is a biological substance which becomes less effective or in a worst-case scenario, completely destroyed when the recommended storage temperatures are not strictly adhered to. Therefore, the safe and reliable cold storage of vaccines, right up to when it is administered to the patient is critical.

6 MACHEREY-NAGEL – 09/2019, Rev. 07 Viral RNA and DNA isolation 2 Product description 2.1 The basic principle The NucleoSpin® 8 Virus kit is designed for the simultaneous purification of viral RNA and DNA. The kit combines the selectivity of well established silica membrane binding of nucleic acids with medium-throughput 8-well format. ‘Structuralist’ Marxism: Goldmann, Althusser, Macherey 95 ‘New Left’ Marxism: Williams, Eagleton, Jameson 99 ARGA01.qxd 9/20/07 10:44 AM Page vii. Viii CONTENTS 6 Feminist theories 115 First-wave feminist criticism: Woolf and de Beauvoir 117 Second-wave feminist criticism 120 Kate Millett: sexual politics 123.

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The Haier Biomedical Under-bench 100L ULT freezer is an ideal choice in ensuring an essential part of the ‘cold chain’ is adhered to with the added peace of mind of a dedicated purpose-built laboratory ultra-low temperature freezer.

The Haier Biomedical Under-bench 100L ULT freezer is also an ideal choice for industries in research, hospitals, disease prevention & control centres, blood stations, scientific research institutes, electronics, chemical enterprise laboratories and biomedical engineering research institutes.

With a capacity of 100L, this freezer can store up to 6000 samples. With an overall height of 810mm the unit will fit under most laboratory benchtops for convenient and economical use of space. Additionally, two freezers can be stacked on top of each other eliminating the need for extra laboratory floor space.

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With an impressive low overall power consumption of only 5.5 kWh/day, it helps keep your laboratory running costs at a minimum. This is achieved by the use of an efficient hydrocarbon compressor, multi-layered seals and a dual door design to eliminate cold energy losses when opening and closing the freezer compartment.

A clever noise reduction cabinet and system design emits a low sound level of only 46.8dB thus reducing overall noise emissions and ensuring a comfortable working environment within your laboratory. The added security of an integrated keyed locking mechanism with the provision of an addition padlock ensures your valuable samples are kept safe.

Connectivity is provided by a USB interface for access to historical data from the inbuilt sensors. A remote alarm port and an RS-485 interface facilitates easy connection to your laboratory management system, alerting the laboratory manager should there be a fault.

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We have more models available in various capacities, performance and technological features.

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For further information download the Haier product catalogue, or contact us directly below.